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First Place for Young Talents in Bulgarian Studies

thumb_IMG_0728_1024Two first awards were given out in the field of Bulgarian Studies at the Fourth Science Session of the Scholastic Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences which took place on 14th November 2017. At the session 32 projects were presented in various areas, created by students from 8th to 12th year. In the field of Bulgarian Dialectology and Sociolinguistics, first prize was awarded to Ralitza Plamenova Zhekova, year 10, Natural Sciences and Mathematics High School in Sliven, for the project “The disappearing names of flowers in the weedy garden of my grandma” (supervisor: Vesela Toneva, K. Konstantinov Secondary School; consultant: assoc. prof. Iliyana Garavalova, Institute for Bulgarian Language), and in the field of History of the Bulgarian Language first place was won by Simona Marchelova Simeonova, year 11, Professional High School of Tourism, Samokov, with the project The Tihonravov Damaskin and the history of the Bulgarian literary heritage and language (supervisor: Borislava Hadzhiyska, Professional High School of Tourism, Samokov; consultant: assoc. prof. Vanya Micheva, Institute for Bulgarian Language). The projects are developed in small research groups aimed at encouraging the young talents, including students, their teachers and researchers from the Institute for Bulgarian Language, within the campaign “The Written Word Remains. Write Correctly!” which is part of the project “Introducing Modern Methods in the Education and the Work with Young talents”, ПМС No. 347.


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