Bibliographic references in the text are enclosed in brackets in the format ((Latin surname year: pages), e.g., (Andreychin 1977: 21; Fellbaum 1998). 

When citing more than one work by the same author, published in the same year, lowercase Latin letters are used to differentiate between the works after the year (Andreychin 1977a; Andreychin 1977b). When a work has two authors, the surnames of both authors are listed, separated by a comma (Blagoeva, Genov 2011). For more than two authors, “et al.” is used (Blagoeva et al. 2012).

When indicating pages in bibliographic references and in the bibliography description, an em-dash with spaces is used, for example (Andreychin 1977: 10 – 21). 

Bibliographic references should be placed at the end of the study under the title Literature/References.

In the bibliography, the names of the authors of cited sources are written in Latin script (as in the text) and arranged alphabetically.

Angelov 1971

Boyadzhiev et al. 1998:

Name and Year (before the colon) are in bold font, followed by a period. Last name and initials of the author are provided, followed by a comma. Title of the text is in italic, followed by a comma. Place of publication (city), followed by a colon. Publisher and year are given. If the citation is from an article, the article title is provided in normal font, followed by a period, and then the journal title, volume, issue, and page numbers. If the publication is from a book or anthology, after the title, a period is placed, followed by “In:” and the book or anthology title (italic), the editor’s name, place of publication, year, and then the page numbers of the article. For articles in journals or newspapers, the journal title (italic) is followed by the year, issue (written as “№”), date (if it’s a newspaper), and page numbers. For electronic sources, first provide the publication date (if available), followed by the website in angle brackets, and then the access date in square brackets. When citing sources in non-Latin alphabet, transliterate them to Latin script and indicate the original spelling in parentheses.

Andreychin 1982: Andreychin, L. Stefan Mladenov. – In: Andreychin, L, V. Popova (Eds.). Stroiteli i revniteli na balgarskiya ezik. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, pp. 245 – 255. (Андрейчин 1982: Андрейчин, Л. Стефан Младенов. – В: Андрейчин, Л., В. Попова (ред.). Строители и ревнители на родния език. София: „Наука и изкуство“, с. 245 – 255.)

Angelov 1971: Angelov, B. Skazanie za zhelezniya krast. – Starobalgarska literatura, № 1 – 2, pp. 136 – 155. (Ангелов 1971: Ангелов, Б. Сказание за железния кръст. – Старобългарска литература, № 1 – 2, с. 136 – 155.)

Fellbaum 1998: Fellbaum, C. (Ed.) WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database

Examples of citing a book:

Andreychin 1977: Andreychin, L. Iz istoriyata na nasheto ezikovo stroitelstvo. Sofia: Narodna prosveta. (Андрейчин 1977: Андрейчин, Л. Из историята на нашето езиково строителство. София: „Народна просвета“.)

Boyadzhiev et al. 1998: Boyadzhiev, T., I. Kutsarov, Y. Penchev. Savremenen balgarski ezik. Sofia: Petar Beron. (Бояджиев и др. 1998: Бояджиев, Т., И. Куцаров, Й. Пенчев. Съвременен български език. София: „Петър Берон“.) 

RBE 2012: Rechnik na balgarskiya ezik. T. 14. Sofia: Izdatelstvo na BAN „Prof. Marin Drinov“. (РБЕ 2012: Речник на българския език. Т. 14 . София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“.)

Fellbaum 1998: Fellbaum, C. (Ed.) WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Examples of citing an article in a journal:

Angelov 1971: Angelov, B. Skazanie za zhelezniya krast. – Starobalgarska literatura, № 1 – 2, pp. 136 – 155. (Ангелов 1971: Ангелов, Б. Сказание за железния кръст. – Старобългарска литература, № 1 – 2, с. 136 – 155.)

Sapir 1927: Sapir, E. Speech as a Personality Trait. – American Journal of Sociology, vol. 32, pp. 892 – 905.

Examples of citing an article in proceedings:

Andreychin 1982: Andreychin, L. Stefan Mladenov. – In: Andreychin, L., V. Popova (Eds.). Stroiteli i revniteli na rodniya ezik. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, pp. 230 – 231. (Андрейчин 1982: Андрейчин, Л. Стефан Младенов. – В: Андрейчин, Л., В. Попова (ред.). Строители и ревнители на родния език. София: „Наука и изкуство“, с. 230 – 231.)

Rappaport Hovav, Levin 2000: Rappaport Hovav, M., B. Levin. Classifying Single Argument Verbs. – In: Coopmans, P., M. Everaert, J. B. Grimshaw (Eds.). Lexical Specification and Insertion. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 269 – 304

Example of citing an internet source:

The internet link is included in angle brackets < > after the bibliographic description, and after it, in square brackets [ ], the date on which the author accessed it is specified. 

Boyadzhiev 2008: Boyadzhiev, T. Ezikovata situaciya u nas v istoricheski i savremenen plan i evropeyskata ezikova politika – In: Balgarski ezik, kn. 2,  <//> [10.04.2020] (Бояджиев 2008: Бояджиев, Т. Езиковата ситуация у нас в исторически и съвременен план и европейската езикова политика – В: Български език, кн. 2, <//> [10.04.2020])