Double-blind peer review is an important stage of the publication process since it assures that the manuscripts published by the Papers of the Institute for Bulgarian Language Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin meet the highest quality requirements. The most appropriate reviewers who are not affiliated with the same institution as the authors are selected among the available reviewers.

The Publishing management system is used for the submission of manuscripts and anonymous peer reviews.

The editorial secretary does a technical pre-check on the manuscripts immediately after their submission to determine whether the requirements for anonymity have been met. An appropriate academic editor is notified of the submission through the system to perform a preliminary editorial review and recommend reviewers. Academic editors may initiate the anonymous review process, reject the submitted manuscript, or request revisions (in case the manuscript does not meet the goals, scope, and layout requirements of the journal). At least two double-blind peer reviews by experts are planned for each manuscript.

The editorial board makes the decision to publish the manuscript based on the reviewers’ decisions. Before a final decision is made, authors may be asked to make adequate adjustments depending on the suggestions of the reviewers (including arranging a second round of anonymous review if necessary). If a manuscript is rejected by both reviewers, it is not accepted for publication. In the case of one negative review, a third must be appointed.

Accepted manuscripts are then internally edited and proofread.

If an author disagrees with the reviewers’ recommendations and decisions, he or she has the option to withdraw the manuscript or request a third review.

Anonymity of reviewers is maintained during and after the review process, and anonymity of authors is maintained until publication of the manuscript.

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