About the Journal


“Linguistique balkanique” is an international peer-reviewed academic journal, organ of the Institute for Bulgarian Language. It was founded in 1958. “Linguistique balkanique” is a semi-annual periodical (issue 1 – June and issue 2 – December). All manuscripts published in the journal are subject to anonymous peer reviewing.

ISSN: 0324-1653

Impact Rank 2022: SJR 0.101, Q 4

Aims and Scope: “Linguistique balkanique” publishes original studies concerning a broad variety of issues ranging from theoretical problems of the Balkan Sprachbund to specific aspects of the relations among the ancient and modern Balkan languages, and the relations of the Balkan languages with other Indo-European and non-Indo-European languages. It is the only periodical with an exclusive focus on Balkan linguistics. “Linguistique balkanique” publishes articles presenting empirical studies concerning different synchronic and diachronic problems of the Balkan languages. Review articles of significant works in the field of Balkan Studies and Indo-European Studies, as well as information on scientific events related to the subject matter of the Journal are also published.


The publication of articles in the journal “Linguistique balkanique” is based on anonymous peer- review by the journal’s editorial staff. The submission of an article does not guarantee its publication by “Linguistique balkanique”.

Articles are initially assessed by the editor-in-chief, and considered for further anonymous review. In case that an article does not correspond to the journal’s subject matter, or does not meet the required scientific article criteria, it will be promptly returned to the author, who can send the article to the appropriate publication.

Articles that are consistent with the journal’s theme and follow the requisite format are subject to a double-blind peer-review. As the official publication of the Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lubomir Andreychin” at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the journal “Linguistique balkanique” adheres to the Academy’s position regarding the history and development of the Bulgarian language and its regional norms, published here: (https://www.bas.bg/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Za-oficialnia-ezik-na-RSM-EN-Online-Version.pdf). The materials approved for publication cannot contradict said position.

The review process ensures that both author and reviewer remain anonymous. Authors are encouraged to apply a neutral approach toward citing their own previous publications with the aim of preserving their anonymity.

Articles are evaluated by reviewers who are scientists from different Bulgarian (56%) and international research and academic institutions (44%). Each article is assessed by at least two reviewers. In cases of contradictory reviews, the article is sent to a third reviewer. Reviewers are chosen according to the article’s subject matter. Article reviews are discussed by the editorial staff for approval.

The editor-in-chief reserves the right to make the final decision on publication.

History: “Linguistique balkanique” was founded as an organ of the Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin” at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in 1958 by Academician Vladimir Georgiev, who was editor-in-chief until 1987. Between 1987 and 2004 he was succeeded by Academician Ivan Duridanov. After his death the journal was taken over by Prof. DSc. Todor At. Todorov, who led it until the beginning of 2008. The present editor-in-chief of the periodical is Prof. DSc. Anna Choleva-Dimitrova (since 2008 – up to now). So far, the journal has established itself as one of the most prestigious Bulgarian linguistic editions. A number of prominent Bulgarian and foreign linguists from several continents have collaborated with it.

Abstracting and Indexing:


ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation Universities and Research Institutes), Italy

BRILL Linguistic Bibliography


L'Année philologique

MLA International Bibliography – Pro-Quest


National Centre for Information and Documentation (NACID)



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