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(Български) Документи за атестация на учени и служители в Института за български език
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Thematic Sessions of the International Jubilee Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language 2022
1) Bulgarian Language in the Modern World The modern development of the Bulgarian language takes place under the strong influence…
(Български) Курсове за повишаване на квалификацията на учителите по български език
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PhD Programmes
Bulgarian Language Qualification requirements (in Bulgarian) The PhD programme in Bulgarian Language prepares highly qualified specialists of Bulgarian with experience…
Home Committees Programme For Authors Publication Ethics Proceedings Gallery The Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin” (Bulgarian Academy of…
(Български) Процедура за подбор на преподаватели по български език и литература за академичната 2020/2021 година в Италия, Полша и Армения
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(Български) Конференция в чест на акад. Стефан Младенов
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Annual International Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language 2021
Home Committees Program For Authors Publication Ethics Proceedings Gallery The Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin” (Bulgarian Academy of…
Onomastic Conference “Anthroponyms and Anthroponymic Researches in the Beginning of the 21st Century”
Home Call for Papers Conference Format Committees Program Registration For authors Proceedings Publication Ethics Plenary Talks Gallery On the occasion…
(Български) Протоколи от заседания на Научния съвет
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