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International cooperation


The Institute for Bulgarian Language has made great efforts towards the promotion of the Bulgarian language and Bulgarian studies in the international academic community. Scholars from the Institute participate in EU projects (5th, 6th, 7th Framework, COST, CEI, Leonardo da Vinci, ICT PSP, etc.), as well as in collaborative initiatives between the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Academies of other European countries (Austria, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, France, Czech Republic).



The foundations of successful collaboration with scientists from international academic centres have been laid out. More than one third of the total number of projects in the last five years has been conducted under international contracts. Researchers at IBL are members of prestigious international organisations, and have been invited as lecturers at Bulgarian universities or granted guest scholarships at foreign universities in Austria, Albania, Great Britain, Germany, Estonia, India, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia, USA, Slovakia, Serbia, Finland, France, Ukraine, etc.