
Competition for the academic position of “senior assistant professor”
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Competition for the academic position of “senior assistant professor”
Sorry, this entry is only available in Български.

The Institute announces a competition for an Associated Professor in professional area 2.1. Philology, scientific discipline Bulgarian Etymology, for the…

Public Defence of Aneta Atanasova (PhD)
Date and time: 13 October 2016, 14:00 Title: Verb System in Bulgarian Grammars Written in German from the Second Half…

Public Defence of Kristiyana Simeonova (PhD)
Date and time: 26 September 2016, 14:00 Title: Linguistic Characteristics of Modern Bulgarian Political Terminology Supervisor: Corr. member Prof. Maria…

(Български) Конкурс за прием на редовни и задочни докторанти за учебната 2016 – 2017 г.
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(Български) Kонкурс за академичната длъжност „главен асистент”
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(Български) Kонкурс за академичната длъжност „доцент”
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Public Defence of Gergana Petkova (PhD)
Date and time: 30 July 2016, 11:00 Title: Personal Names from Latin Origin in Slavic Languages Supervisor: Prof. Anna Choleva…

COMPETITION FOR ASSOCIATED PROFESSOR FOR Assistant Professor Dr Vanya Angelova Micheva
The Institute announces a competition for an Associated Professor in professional area 2.1. Philology, scientific discipline Bulgarian Language, for the…