Language Competence
The Institute for Bulgarian Language offers language consultations over the phone, and publishes interesting facts and rules on facebook and twitter.
Phone for language consiltations: BNT
What is literacy?: Webcafe
BAS solves bets on language issues: Standart
Common language errors: Bulgaria tomorrow
IBL participates in a campaign to improve literacy: Dnevnik | Radar
BAN discusses spelling on Facebook: Novinar
„The written word remains. Write correctly!“: Nova TV | bTV | BNT | Darik | Duma | Vesti
The written word remains. Write correctly on the internet: iNews
The campaign „The written word remains. Write correctly!“ starts: Mega News
A spelling campaign on the internet: Nova TV
“Where to put full determinate article?”: bTV News
BAS launched a campaign for photos featuring spelling errors:
Campaign in support of literacy:
Money BG