FUNCTIONAL LITERACY FOR АLL: Improving reading and comprehension skills across the life-span

The seminar FUNCTIONAL LITERACY FOR АLL took place on 27th May 2019 (Monday) at the House of Europe, 124 G. S. Rakovsky Blvd., Sofia, from 9:00 until 15:30.
Recent statistics and research across European countries report problems with accessing written content in the first language specifically in younger generations. The nature of these problems, however, has not been systematically investigated and remains poorly understood. In particular, poor reading comprehension can either result from inadequate literacy instruction, poor oral language skills resulting from inadequate exposure to input, or might be caused by a developmental deficit (reading impairment or developmental language disorder). Thus, at the behavioural level, poor reading comprehension outcomes may have different etiologies, including social disadvantage or poor stimulation in the environment, all leading to the same result. The seminar aims to create a platform for sharing experiences and initiating an open discussion on opportunities to improve lifelong reading and learning skills. The seminar FUNCTIONAL LITERACY FOR АLL offers specialists from various fields the opportunity to share their experiences in researching the reasons behind poor reading skills, and will initiate an open discussion on the ways to improve lifelong reading and learning skills.
The seminar was attended by over 50 participants from various universities, research centres, government institutions, schools, non-government organisations from Bulgaria, UK, Israel, Spain, Italy and Norway. The working language is English.
The researchers overviewed the results of the seminar FUNCTIONAL LITERACY FOR АLL on 28th May 2019. The seminar is organised by the Institute for Bulgarian Language at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
If you have any questions, please contact the organisers via email: