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Study and Publication of Written Monuments from 9th-18th century as Evidence of the Bulgarian Cultural and Historical Heritage and National Identity

Department of History of Bulgarian Language

Period: 2012-2014

Type of project: Collective

Funding: budgetary (BAS)

Principal Investigator: Prof. M. Tsibranska-Kostova, Dr.Sci.

Participants: Prof. M. Tsibranska-Kostova, Dr.Sci., Prof. Elka Mircheva, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. I. Karachorova, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Y. Miltenov, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. G. Mitrinov, Ph.D., Assist. Prof. V, Micheva, Ph.D., Assist. Prof. L. Stefova, Ph.D., Assist. Prof. A. Manoleva


The project focuses on the systematic investigation and publication of written monuments that reflect the historical development of the Bulgarian language over the centuries. The research employs modern methods and tools for preservation and promotion of the written heritage (phototype and facsimile reproductions, digitisation, electronic publication and advertising, critical and diplomatic editions, scholarly research). The project is in accordance with the traditional tasks of Palaeoslavistics and Bulgarian studies – reconstruction of the diachronic development of Bulgarian as a Slavic, Balkan and European language according to the monuments and documents from the Middle Ages, Bulgarian Revival and Modern Times (such as the earliest Glagolitic and Cyrillic manuscripts, the earliest monuments attesting the modern Bulgarian language, epigraphic materials, scholars’ notes). The main objective of the project involves tracing down the evidence of the evolution of Bulgarian by observing the changes in graphics, phonetics, morphology, syntax, and lexical semantics, employing innovative ethnolinguistic, anthropological, semiotic, and cultural approaches.

The project meets the priorities of the National Strategy of Scientific Research to 2020 and the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020. It contributes to the study of the Bulgarian cultural and national identity in the context of the preservation of the EU cultural diversity. The project is part of the priority area for research at the Institute for Bulgarian Language – Sources for the History of the Bulgarian language.


1. The Old Testament as Source for the History of Legislation. An individual project of Prof. M. Tsibranska Kostova, Dr.Sci. Period: 2012 – 2014

2. The New-Source Collections and Turnovo Literary Centre of the Pre-Euthymius Period. An individual project of Prof. E. Mircheva, Ph.D.. Period: 2012 – 2014

3. The Description of the World in the Language of Damaskins. An individual project of Assist. Prof. V. Micheva, Ph.D. Period: 2012 – 2014

4. Linguistic properties of the Raykov Damaskin. An individual project of Assist. Prof. L. Stefova, Ph.D. Period: 2012 – 2014

5. Boyana Psalter – a Middle Bulgarian Monument of 13th c. Study and Publication. An individual project of Assoc. Prof. I. Karachorova, Ph.D. Period: 2012 – 2014

6. The Preslav Text Collections: Sources, Composition, Relations to Other Texts, Textual Criticism. An individual project of Assoc. Prof. Y. Miltenov, Ph.D. Period: 2012 – 2014

7. The Bulgarian Church and Historical Heritage in the Western Thrace, and Districts of Dram and Syar. An individual project of Assoc. Prof. G. Mitrinov, Ph.D. Period: 2012 – 2014

8. Web site on the study of Bulgarian language from 10th to 19th c. An individual project of Assist. Prof. A. Manoleva. Period: 2012 – 2014

Presentation of the results: publications – research papers, review articles, and monographs.
