Velislava Stojkova – Senior Assist. Prof., Ph.D.
Professional Biography
of Velislava Stoykova, Ph.D. Chief Assistant Professor
Department of Terminology and Terminography
Contact Details:
Office address: Shipchenski prohod str.52, block 17, room 404, Sofia 1113; Bulgaria
Office tel. +359 02 979 29 53
Fields of Interest:
Terminology and terminography, lexicology and lexicography, natural language processing, lexical semantics, semantic networks, formal grammars, computational lexical semantics, computational linguistics, knowledge representation languages, artificial intelligence.
Education and Qualifications:
1989 – 1993 г. Sofia University, Department of Slavic Philology, PhD.
1981 – 1987 г. Sofia University, Department of Slavic Philology, MA in linguistics
Professional Development:
2018 – till now – BAS – Institute of Bulgarian Language, Department of Terminology and Terminography, Chief Assistant Professor.
2011 – 2018 – BAS – Institute of Bulgarian Language, Department of Bulgarian Lexicology and Lexicography, Chief Assistant Professor.
1995 – 2010 – BAS – Institute of Bulgarian Language, Department of Bulgarian Lexicology and Lexicography, research assistant.
1993 – 1994 – BAS – Institute for Parallel Processing, Department of Linguistic Modelling, programmer.
Participation in Scientific Projects for the past 10 years:
Multivolume academic explanatory Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language (DBL) – national project
Computer-assisted approaches to lexicography for Slovak and Bulgarian dictionaries and reference sources. (2012-2014). The project is aimed at sharing research results in formal and derivation morphology representation as well as formal representation of common core and specialized (terminology) lexica in automatic extraction for Slovak and Bulgarian lexicographic practice. Project leader: Assist. Prof. Dr. Velislava Stoykova. Participants: Assist. Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Petkova.
Semantic Networks Conceptual Formal Representation (2011-2013). The project analyses the models and applications of semantic networks for presenting Bulgarian inflectional morphology. Project leader: Assist. Prof. Dr. Velislava Stoykova. Participants: Prof. Dr. Katja Charalozova, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Petkova, Assist. Prof. Dr. Maya Mitkova, Programmer Anna Sameva.
The Little Prince Project (2010-2011). The project uses the Universal Networking Language to encode the Bulgarian grammar for machine translation. Funding: the UNDL Fondation.
Semantic evaluation of test items of mathematical tests (2009 – 2011). The project develops methodology for evaluation of the understandability of educational mathematical test items. It is developed for the Center for control and evaluation of the quality in education and is supervised by Prof. Dr. Kiril Bankov from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University.
Formal Models for Representing Bulgarian Inflectional Morphology (2007-2010). On-going project of the Department of Modern Bulgarian Language – IBL. It is aimed at formal representation of Bulgarian inflectional morphology in the theoretic framework of transformational grammar. Project leader: Senior Researcher, Dr.Sci.Mary Lakova, DMBL, IBL, BAS.
Automatic Electronic Search of Bulgarian Nominal Inflected Forms (2008 – 2009). The project is aimed to define the general principles of program application of the nominal Bulgarian inflectional morphology. Funding: the National Science Fund; Project leader: Ph.D. Velislava Stoykova.
TEMPUS JEP TEMIT – Teacher Education (2007 – 2009). Innovation of Studies in Mathematics and IT – is aimed at doing research on the design of the curricula for students in mathematics and informatics, and mainly the language of mathematical texts and educational books in mathematics. Funding: EC; Project leader: Prof.Dr. Chavdar Lozanov, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Sofia University.
Knowledge Transfer for Digitisation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage in Bulgaria (KT-DigiCULT-BG) (2004 – 2008). The project is aimed at research in the representation of national cultural heritage. Funding: EC under the 6th framework programme; Project leader: Prof. Dr. Milena Dobreva from the Institute of Mathematica and Informatics of BAS.
Experts and Public Activity:
from 1998 г. – Member of the Bulgarian Lexicographic Society
from 2002 – Member of the Bulgarian Artificial Intelligence Association
Main Publications:
Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language (DBL) [Multivolume academic explanatory]. Sofia, ed. “Prof. Marin Drinov”, ed. “Emas” and IBL-BAS.
Author in DBL since 2004 with articles for vol. XII and vol. XIII-XV – in print.
Stoykova, V. 2011. Interpreting Bulgarian Sound Alternations of Inflectional Morphology in DATR. In J. Filipe and A. Fred (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, SciTePress, 486–491.
Stoykova, V. 2011. Representing Nominal Inflectional Morphology for Slavonic Languages in DATR. In H. Ganchev, B. Lowe, D. Normann, I. Soskov and M. Soskova (eds.) Computability in Europe 2011 – Models of Computation in Context, 201-210.
Stoykova, V. and Mitkova, M. 2011. Defining Lexical Semantic Relationships for Terms of Precalculus Study. In N. Mastorakis, V. Mladenov, and Z. Bojkovic (eds.) Recent Researches in Educational Technologies, 240-244.
Stoykova, V. 2011. Common Formal Framework for Multilingual Representation of Inflectional Morphology for two Related Slavonic Languages. In R. Garabik (ed.) Proceedings of 6th International Conference of NLP Multilinguality, Tribun EU, 146-155.
Stoykova, V. and Mitkova, M. 2011. Conceptual Semantic Relationships for Terms of Precalculus Study. In WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, issue 1, vol. 8, WSEAS Press, 13-22.
Stoykova, V. Bulgarian Nominal Inflectional Morphology of Definite Article in DATR. In: Bulgarian language, N 2, 98-112. (in Bulgarian).
Stoykova, V. and Lozanov, Ch. 2010. Visual Representation of Semantic Network of Bulgarian Nominal Inflectional Morphology. In: H. Dichev, K. Stefanov, and E. Stefanova, eds. Software, Services & Semantic Technologies, 282-283.
Stoykova, V. and Lozanov, Ch. 2010. The Geometry of Language – a Space Semantic Network of Bulgarian Nominal Inflectional Morphology. In: N. Mastorakis, V. Mladenov, Z. Bojkovic, and D. Simian, eds. Latest Trends on Computers, vol. 2, 721-725.
Stoykova, V. 2010. Representing Lexical Knowledge for Bulgarian Inflectional Morphology in DATR. In: N. Mastorakis, V. Mladenov, Z. Bojkovic, and D. Simian, eds. Latest Trends on Computers, vol. 2, 612-616.
Stoykova, V. 2010. Bulgarian Possessive and Reflexive-possessive Pronouns in DATR, In R. Trappl (ed.) Cybernetics and Systems 2010, 432-437.
Stoykova, V. 2009. The Inflectional Morphology of Bulgarian Definite Article in DATR, in Z. Vetulani (ed.) Proceedings of the 4th Language & Technology Conference, 472-476.
Stoykova, V. 2009. Language-dependent or Language-independent e-Learning Mathematics, Proceedings, Part II, Tempus JEP 41110-2006, TEMIT, 71-83.
Bozilova, M. and Stoykova, V. On the Academic and Commercial Lexicography – a Professional Overview, In: Bulgarian language, N 1, 26-32. (in Bulgarian).
Stoykova V. Interpreting Bulgarian Inflectional Morphology in Transformational Grammar Standard Theory. In: Proceedings of the honor of Prof. J. Penchev, 201-203.
The Dictionary of Bulgarian Language. XII, (in Bulgarian)
Stoykova V. Modeling sound alternations of Bulgarian language in DATR. In: E. Buchberger ed. Proceedings of KONVENS 2004, Shriftenreiche der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fur Artificial Intelligence, Band 5, Wien, 201-204.
Stoykova V. The definite article of Bulgarian adjectives and numerals in DATR. In: Christoph Bussler and Dieter Fensel, eds. Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3192, Springer-Verlag, 256-266.
Stoykova V. Bulgarian noun – definite article in DATR. In: D. Scott, ed. Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2443, Springer-Verlag, 152-161.
Stoykova V. DATR formal treatment of Bulgarian determiner – a morphological account. In: Papers from the Third Conference on Formal Approaches to South Slavic Languages, University of Trondheim, 348-352.
Stoykova V. The problems of computer processing of texts. In: Proceedings from the 25th Anniversary Conference of Shoumen University, vol. 1, 290-295. (in Bulgarian)
Stoykova V., The thesaurus – historical and contemporary context. In: Proceedings from the VMI Jubilee Conference, Plovdiv, 169-173. (in Bulgarian)
Stoykova V. The reviving of corpora — old ideas for a new applications. Methodology of Mathematical Modelling, vol. IV, 190-192.