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Cognitive aspects of the sentenceCognitive aspects of the sentence

Georgieva, M. Cognitive aspects of the sentence. BA. IBE “Prof. Lubomir Andreychin”. University Publishing House “St. Kliment Ohridski”. P. 2023. ISBN 978-954-07-5873-2. 144 p.

The study presents the dialectic of grammar – morphology and syntax, as a categorical functionality from a cognitive point of view. Contradictions in grammar are analyzed and their overcoming through the method of cognitive correspondence is proposed. The nature of grammaticalization and the relationship between grammaticalization and lexicalization are presented. The difference between a word-formation principle and an orthographic principle is defined. The cognitive approach specifies the syntactic structure and accordingly the paradigm of the sentence in terms of the main parts and in accordance with the cognitive analysis of predication grammar.

Metalanguage and punctuation. Syntactic ontologyMetalanguage and punctuation. Syntactic ontology

Georgieva, M. Metalanguage and punctuation. Syntactic ontology. Синтактична онтология.

The monograph presents language as a phenomenon of the third type, i.e. as an ontology in its own right. Given the cognitive potency of the subject of language, and in accordance with reflection as functioning consciousness, both the nature of predication and definiteness as a function of it are presented. It is argued that punctuation is a metalanguage, because of which conjunctions as a linguistic explication are variable, so to speak. I.e. the comma as a punctuation mark is a kind of metalanguage, a graph of predicative boundaries that do not always require it.

Collection of national importance

The power of language and media discourseThe power of language and media discourse

Georgieva, M., Kitanova, M., Micheva-Peicheva, K. The power of language and media discourse. Sat. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lubomir Andreychin”. Publishing House of BAS “Prof. Marin Drinov”. 2022. ISBN 978-619-245-243-8. (e-book). 118 pp. Collection of national importance with Decision of the Council for Publishing at the BAS. (Protocol No. 3/15.03.2023, item 10.2.)p>

The collection explores the power of language through norm and code, which carelessness of use cannot overcome even in the freedom of speech. We believe that the error cannot be verified as a modern norm of the XXI century, because the error is a deviation of the speech use of the linguistic unit, i.e. deviation in the speech use of a linguistic unit, deviation in relation to the norm, the code. Our position is that we cannot do a reverse action, take the action back, make a metathesis of the language-speech positions, put the use before the phenomenon. Phenomenally, categorically dialectically, this metathesis is not possible.

Syntactical Aspects of the Gnoseological InsufficiencySyntactical Aspects of the Gnoseological Insufficiency

Georgieva, M. Syntactical Aspects of the Gnoseological Insufficiency. St. Kliment Ohridski University Press Publisher. С. 2009. 187 p.

The book examines the philosophy of pre-determination through the genealogy of the self as a subject of consciousness and bearer of language. The analysis of the language profiles and deficiencies of the self explains its immanent object in itself. The philosophy of the I is a kind of time-spatial projection of the self and its predicate synonym gives reason to be considered a prototype of a predicate, i.e. a standard for predictive language technology as an expression of knowledge. In view of this, I think is a subjugate, a language procedure, a prototype of predication, quasi-reflexia.

The predicate is presented as a type of link that clarifies predictability as a constructive sign of the sentence. The dichotomy regarding predication and predictability is simple – complicated, but in terms of its qualitative characteristic is regarded as an achievement, rather than a quantitative trait, like numeracy. The principle of this is the isomorphism of its classical expression.

The quantitative prediction criterion defines polypredictive constructs as a position in the syntactic paradigm as a whole, not in the sentence paradigm.

This research is about the philosophy of predicating through the genealogy of “I” as a subject of consciousness.

Regarding Extralinguistical Nature of the Emotive Interjections. Protolinguistic and CommunicationRegarding Extralinguistical Nature of the Emotive Interjections. Protolinguistic and Communication

Georgieva, M. Regarding Extralinguistical Nature of the Emotive Interjections. Protolinguistic and Communication. St. Kliment Ohridski University Press Publisher. С. 2010. 66 p.

The study is a characteristic of the non-linguistic nature of emotional explicates and explains their communicative functionality alongside the language. The parallelity of language explicates – language units is due to their common affiliation – the self (the subject of consciousness) whose voice introduces them to the communicative process. In emotions, however, the voice is only the producer – it models and modulates.

The non-lingual emotional expressions manifest the gnoseological deficiency of language because of the impossibility of the subject to fully know himself, beyond self-consciousness, where emotion is like refiection. Non-linguistic explications are concentrated, syncretical knowledge, which is not expressed in the subject – predicate relation.

These explicates are not part of the language system. They represent non-linguistic consciousness and are a phonetic expression of emotion, not of ration.