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Acad. Vladimir Georgiev Fund Award Ceremony

The official award ceremony of the Acad. Vladimir Georgiev Fund Award will be held on the 16th February 2015, from 11am in Hall 207 at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

The event is organised by the Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin” (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) and the National Fund “13 Centuries Bulgaria”. The award will be presented by prof. Stefan Vodenicharov, president of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Acad. Vladimir Georgiev Fund Award is established as a result of the will of Acad. Vladimir Ivanov Georgiev – one of the most prominent Bulgarian linguists, who had received widespread international recognition as a specialist in Indo-European linguistics. After the Fund was reinstated in 2013, the Award became annual and is awarded for individual or collective works published in the last three years, which comprise a significant and original scientific contribution in a particular field of linguistics.

This year’s winner of the award is Corr. member Emilia Pernishka for her work “Local Names in Svishtov Region”.