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Bulgarian Manuscripts Heritage from Medieval and Modern Times (Publications and Studies of Written Texts)

Department of History of Bulgarian Language

Period: 2015-2017

Type of project: Collective

Funding: Budgetary (BAS)

Principal Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Y. Miltenov

Participants: Prof. M. Tsibranska-Kostova (Dr.Sci), Prof. E. Mircheva, Assoc. prof. I. Karachorova, Assoc. Prof. G. Mitrinov, Assoc. Prof. Y. Miltenov, Assoc. prof. V. Micheva.


The project is focused on the systematic study and publication of written monuments which have an important role in the historical development of the Bulgarian language throughout the centuries. Modern tools are implemented for preservation and publication of manuscripts (phototype and other typesetting techniques, digitisation, public digital displays, critical and diplomatic editions and studies). The project is in line with the traditional objectives of Paleoslavic and Bulgarian Studies – recovering the diachronic development of the Bulgarian language as a Slavic, Balkan and European language, by studying preserved language monuments and documents from the Middle Ages, the National Revival and the Modern era (early Glagolitic and Cyrillic manuscripts, new Bulgarian literature, epigraphic monuments, notes of scholars). The main objective is to observe the development of the Bulgarian language throughout the centuries studied at various levels – graphical and phonetic, morpho-syntactic, lexical and semantic. Modern and innovative approaches will be implemented – textological, ethnolinguistic, anthropological, semiotic, culturological. The project supports the distinguished research profile of the historians of the Bulgarian language working at the Department, whose patron is Corr. member prof. Kiril Mirchev. The research at the Department contributes to the study of the Bulgarian culture and national identity in the context of cultural diversity in Europe. The collection of linguistic knowledge about the manuscripts is one of the fundamental purposes of the scientific field of the history of Bulgarian.

The project reflects the priority area of research at the Institute for Bulgarian Language Sources for the History of the Bulgarian Language.


The Language of the Epigraphic Monuments from the Bulgarian Cemetery in Ferikoy, Istanbul. Principal Investigator: assoc. prof. G. Mitrinov. Period: 2015 – 2017.

The Language of Apocrypha. Principal Investigator: assoc. prof. Y. Miltenov. Period: 2015 – 2017.

Representation of results: research studies and papers.
