Department for Bulgarian Dialectology and Linguistic Geography
Map of the Dialectal Division of the Bulgarian Language

The maps of the Reviewing volume (368 in total) have been compiled on the basis of material collected from more than 2300 places across the entire language area, mapped in 11 regional atlases, 6 of which have already been published.
Atlas of Bulgarian Dialects. Generalising volume. Introduction. BAS Academic Press, Sofia, 1988.
The atlas consists of 28 maps of general dialect features.
Atlas of Bulgarian Dialects. Volumes I-IV.
Vol. I. South-Eastern Bulgaria. Part I. Maps. Part II. Articles. Commentaries. Indices. Sofia, 1964.
Vol. IІ. North-Eastern Bulgaria. Part I. Maps. Part II. Articles. Commentaries. Indices. Sofia. 1966.
Vol. IІІ. South-Western Bulgaria. Part I. Maps. Part II. Articles. Commentaries. Indices. Sofia. 1975.
Vol. IV. North-Western Bulgaria. Part I. Maps. Part II. Articles. Commentaries. Indices. Sofia. 1981.
Atlas of Bulgarian Dialects. Bulgarian Dialects in Aegean Macedonia Vol. I. Drama, Serres, Valovishta, Zilyahovo Regions Part I. Maps. Part II. Articles. Commentaries. Indices.
Author: Yordan N. Ivanov. Sofia. 1972.
Atlas of Bulgarian Dialects. North-Western Bulgarian Dialects in Tzaribrod and Bosilegrad Regions.Part I. Maps. Part II. Articles. Commentaries. Indices. Sofia. 1986.
Author: Rangel Bozhkov.
Series, Collections and Dictionaries
Studies in Bulgarian Dialectology.
Vol. 1-13, BAS. Sofia, 1965-2002.
The series includes monographic studies which examine the Bulgarian dialect systems from various regions of the language territory.
Bulgarian Dialectology. Studies and Materials.
Vol. 1-10, BAS, Sofia, 1962-1981.
The series includes over 30 dialectal dictionaries, most of them accompanied by short descriptions of the dialects. A few of the works in the series are devoted to lexicological research.
Linguistic Studies on Macedonia.
Sofia, 1996.
Nine studies have been published dedicated to the phonetic, phonological and word-formation problems of the Bulgarian language.
Carpathian Balkan Dialect Landscape. Language and Culture.
RAS, Institute for Slavic Studies. Moscow. 2008.
The Bulgarian participation (pp. 355-479) is represented by L. Vasileva, S. Keremidchieva and M. Vitanova, who prepared the materials for printing (from 15 places) for the Carpathian Dialect Atlas. The work is a contribution to the applied scientific research. At the same time the contrastive research has theoretical significance for determining the interrelations between different groups of languages.
A Concise Dictionary of Dialect Words.
authors: Luchia Stefanova Antonova-Vassileva, Slavka Keremidchieva.
Sofia, 2001, Planeta 3, 284 p.
The Dictionary includes more than 6000 dialect words which can be found in Bulgarian literature studied in school.
S. Stoykov. Bulgarian Dialectology. 3rd edition, BAS. Sofia, 1993, 425 p., 4th edition, 2002.
This is the first systematic study of general and Bulgarian dialectology. It examines the specific features of the Bulgarian dialects on different linguistic levels. The research topics also include the social dialects and the relations between the Bulgarian literary language and folk speech. M. Mladenov’s article Bulgarian “Dialects in Vardar and Aegean Macedonia” is included in both editions. Bibliography has also been extended.
M. Tetovska-Troeva. Verbal Agent Nouns in the Bulgarian Dialects. Nomina agentis. BAS Academic Press, Sofia, 1988, 202 p.
This work is the first extensive and detailed research of one of the main word-formation categories of nouns which analyses the word-formation types in the Bulgarian dialects from the entire language territory. A comparison has been made with the literary language by highlighting the dialects’ word-formation specifics.
М. Tetovska-Troeva. Desubstantivised Actor Nouns in the Bulgarian Dialects. Nomina actoris. BAS Academic Press, Sofia, 1992, 173 p.
On the basis of material from the entire language territory, this work makes a complete characterisation of one of the main word-formation categories of nouns in the Bulgarian language. The comparison with the literary language outlines the dialectal word-formation special features.
Slavka Keremidchieva. The Dialect of the Ropkata Region. Grammar of the Rhodope Dialects. Sofia, 1993, Mikroprint Publ., p. 343.
The monograph presents a complete description of the phonetic, morphological, accentological and syntactical features of the grammatical system of an old Rhodope dialect spoken in the Ropkata region (near the town of Asenovgrad in the Khvojna Valley).
Mаriya Vacheva-Hoteva, Slavka Keremidchieva. The Dialect of the Village of Zarovo, Thessaloniki Region.. Sofia, 2000, 480 p.
The research is based on collected authentic material from people who originated from the village of Zarovo (Thessaloniki Region) destroyed in 1913. The work contains a dictionary of about 8 000 lexemes, historical, demographic and ethnographic data about the village, as well as a detailed lexico-semantic characteristic of the dialect.
Ana Kocheva–Lefedjieva. German Lexical Elements in the Bulgarian Dialects. Sofia, 2004, Multiprint Publ., p. 227.
The work presents a volumetric German lexical material (borrowings and hybrids) in the Bulgarian dialects (regional and social). Phonological, morphological, accentuation and word-formation analysis of borrowings in dialects and folklore has been performed.
Slavka Keremidchieva. Koprivshtitza – history and language. Sofia, 2007, Multiprint Publ., p. 145.
The detailed linguistic description of the old-time and present day town is performed on the basis of personally collected material and a thorough study of archival and published sources.
Georgi Рuhalev, Slavka Keremidchieva, Iliyana Genev–Puhaleva. Spoken in Kamenski. Ethnolinguistic Study of district of Kamenitza – Velingrad. Sofia, 2008, ZOGRAPH.ORG, p. 233
This book presents the first complex ethnolinguistic research of the former village of Kamenitza, nowadays a district of Velingrad town. For the first time information at all linguistic levels has been presented of the historical Kamenitza dialect which is significant for the dialectology.
Luchiya Antonova-Vasileva. The Aspectual Verbal Stems in the Bulgarian Dialects – A Semantic and Morphological Study. National Center for Information and Documentation – НАЦИД № Нд 246/2000.
Lilyana Vasileva. Compound Substantive Heteronyms in the Bulgarian Dialects (in Comparison with Their Corresponding Simple Nouns). National Center for Information and Documentation – НАЦИД № 118/2005.
Elena Kyaeva. Location Names (Nomina loci) in the Bulgarian Dialects. National Center for Information and Documentation – No. 77/2000.
Kiril Parvanov. Prefix Perfectivation in the History of the Bulgarian Language. Accepted for publication by the SC with report No. 6/ 06.10.2008