Adriana Christova, Ph.D.
General Information

Department of Terminology and Terminography
Phone: +359 2 979 29 52
Research interests:
- Terminology
- Terminography
- Lexicology
- Lexicography
- Development of Terms
- Term Formation
- Language Culture
Education and professional experience
Education and professional experience
1981 – 1985: М.А. in Bulgarian Philology, Faculty of Slavic Studies, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
1987 – ongoing: Research Assistant, Department of Terminology and Terminography, Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Research projects
Terminological Practice: Subproject “Dictionary of Basic Terms in Bulgarian science. Vol. 6. Art” (2019 – 2022), Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, member of the research team
Theory of Bulgarian Terminology, Subproject Linguistic analysis of terms in the field of marketing (2019 – 2022), Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, member of the research team
Terminological Practice: Subproject “Dictionary of Basic Terms in Bulgarian science. Vol. 5. Economics” (2015 – 2018), Department of Terminology and Terminography, Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, member of the research team
Terminological Practice: Subproject “Electronic Databases – Economics, Scientific Lexis and Bibliography on Terminology” (2015 – 2017), Department of Terminology and Terminography, Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, project coordinator
Theory of Bulgarian Terminology, Subproject „Formation of Bulgarian Philosophic Terminology from Translated Theological Literature (X – XIV c.)” (2011 ‒ 2014), Department of Terminology and Terminography, Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, member of the research team
Terminological Practice: Subproject “Dictionary of Basic Terms in Bulgarian Science. Vol. 4. Ecology” (2011 – 2014), Department of Terminology and Terminography, Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, member of the research team
Terminological Practice: Subproject “In Aid of Practice – Expert Information at Requests of Persons, Institutions and Organizations” (2011 – 2013), Department of Terminology and Terminography, Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, member of the research team
Terminological Practice: Subproject “Common Archive of the Scientific Lexis” (2011 – 2013), Department of Terminology and Terminography, Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, project coordinator
Terminological Practice: Subproject “Terminological Archives of Particular Scientific Domains – Economics, Engineering Sciences, Mathematics, Bibliography on Terminology, Political Sciences and European Integration ” (2011 – 2013), Department of Terminology and Terminography, Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, project coordinator
Dictionary of Basic Terms in Bulgarian Science. Vol. 3. Social and Political Sciences – Global History, Bulgarian History, Law and Ethics” (2007 – 2009), Department of Terminology and Terminography, Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, member of the research team
Dictionary of Basic Terms in Bulgarian Science. Vol. 2. Humanities – Linguistics and Bulgarian Language, Literary Science and Bulgarian Literature, Philosophy, Logics, Psychology, Theory of Art” (2005 – 2007), Department of Terminology and Terminography, Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, member of the research team
Dictionary of Basic Terms in Bulgarian Science. Vol. 1. Natural Sciences – Astronomy, Biology, Physics, Physical Geography, Chemistry” (2005 – 2007), Department of Terminology and Terminography, Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, member of the research team
Membership in scientific organizations and research groups
Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, member (2013 – ongoing)
Membership in organization and programme committees
Round Table on the topic „Problems of the Referencing of Bulgarian Scientific Editions”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 24th November 2016, member of the Organizing Committee
Попова, М., А. Христова, Б. Попов, Е. Петкова, К. Симеонова, М. Симеонова, С. Колковска. Терминологично-енциклопедичен речник по обществено-политически науки [Social and Political Sciences Terminology Dictionary]. София: Издателство „Наука и изкуство“, 2012. 526 с. ISBN 978-954-02-0324-9.
Попова М., Б. Попов, Е. Петкова, К. Симеонова, А. Христова. Терминологичен речник по хуманитарни науки [Humanities Terminology Dictionary]. София: Издателство „Наука и изкуство“, 2007. 498 с. ISBN 978-954-02-0308-9.
Попова М., С. Колковска, Г. Димитрова, А. Христова, Е. Петкова. Терминологичен речник по природни науки [Natural Sciences Terminology Dictionary]. София: Издателство „Наука и изкуство“, 2006. 463 с. ISBN 978-954-02-0304-1.
Articles in journals
Христова, А. Средновековните термини в съвременната философска терминологична подсистема [Medieval terms in the current philosophical term subsystem]. – Български език, 2016, кн. 2, с. 108 – 111. ISSN 0005-4283.
Христова, A., И. Христов. Понятийна структура и лингвистична характеристика на категориално-логическите термини във философския трактат на Симеоновия сборник [Conceptual structure and linguistic characteristics of the categorical and logical terms in the miscellany of tzar Symeon]. – Философски преглед, 2013, кн. 3, с. 15-61. ISSN 1314-5908.
Христова, A., И. Христов. Лексико-морфологично терминообразуване на философските термини в превода на Дионисиевия корпус от Исай Серски. Das Corpus des Dionysios Areiopagites in der slavischen Übersetzung von Starec Isaija (14. Jahrhundert) [Lexical Morphology and Syntactic Formation of Philosophical Terms in the Translation of the Corpus Areopagiticum by the Starets Isaija]. Unter der Leitung von H. Goltz und G. M. Prochorov hrsg. von S. Fahl, J. Harney, D. Fahl (= Monumenta linguae slavicae dialecti veteris. Fontes et dissertationes, LV), Bd. 5: Untersuchungen, Freiburg i. Br., 2013, 536 – 566. ISBN 978-3-921940-57-0.
Христова, A. Някои лингвистични особености на философските термини (върху материал от преводната богословска книжнина, 10-14 в.) [Some linguistic peculiarities of the philosophical terms created in the Middle Ages]. – В: Магията на думите. Езиковедски изследвания в чест на проф. д.ф.н. Лилия Крумова-Цветкова, София: Академично издателство „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 2012, с. 213 – 217. ISBN 978-954-322-521-7.
Conference papers
Христова, A. Структурна характеристика на философските термини в превода на Ареопагитския корпус от Исай Серски [Structural characteristics of the philosophical terminology in the translation of the Corpus Aeropagiiticum by Isaias of Seres]. – В: Многобразие в единството, София: Издание на Съюза на учените в България, 2012, кн. 1. // ISSN 1314-0825.
Христова, A. Проблеми при превода на някои термини от металознанието [Problems in the translation of certain terms in the field of metallurgy]. – В: Многообразие в единството, София: Издание на Съюза на учените в България, 2011, кн. 1, с. 81 – 86. ISSN 1314-0825.
Христова, A. Термини за назоваване на вещества в българската терминология [Terms for naming of types of matter]. – В: Многообразие в единството, София: Издание на Съюза на учените в България, 2011, кн. 2, с. 83 – 87. ISSN 1314-0825.
Христова, A. Поредицата от терминологични речници на Секцията по терминология и терминография [Series of terminological dictionaries created by the Department of terminology and
terminography]. – В: Многообразие в единството, София: Издание на Съюза на учените в България, 2010, кн. 1, с. 56 – 62. ISSN 1314-0825.
Христова, A. Класификационната група на музикалните инструменти в
Терминологичния речник по хуманитарни науки [Classification of musical instruments in the Humanities terminology dictionary]. – В: Лексикографията и лексикологията в съвременния свят, Велико Търново, ИК „Знак 94”, 2007, с.311 – 314. ISBN 978-954-8709-76-7.