Theoretical and Lexicographic Aspects of the Studies in Modern Bulgarian Vocabulary
Department of Bulgarian Lexicology and Lexicography
Period: 2017-2019
Type of project: Collective
Funding: Budgetary (BAS), bilateral projects with the Polish Academy of Sciences, Czech Academy of Sciences, and Slovak Academy of Sciences, Programme for Young researchers – BAS.
Principal Investigator: Prof. Sia Kolkovska, Ph.D.
Participants: Prof. Sia Kolkovska, Ph.D.; Prof. D. Blagoeva, Ph.D.; Prof. Svetla Koeva, Ph.D. (Department of Computational Linguistics); Assist. Prof. T. Georgieva, Ph.D.; Assist. Prof. N. Kostova, Ph.D.; Assist. Prof. A. Atanasova, Ph.D.; Assist. Prof. V. Sumrova; Assist. Prof. D. Kolev, Assist. Prof. V. Stoykova, Ph.D.
The project aims at the systematic theoretical and applied research of the Bulgarian vocabulary. The general properties of the language will be outlined, as well as those revealing specific features of the national identity, especially in comparison with the vocabulary of other European and Slavic languages in order to enrich the knowledge about Bulgarian in the context of the initiative for supporting European cultural and linguistic diversity. A range of issues regarding Bulgarian neology are considered. The research is focused on a number of theoretical and practical issues in the compilation of different types of dictionaries such as monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, dictionaries of neologisms, etc. Neography (as a relatively new branch in lexicographic research) gets special attention since it still poses theoretical and methodological challenges (related to the identification of the optimal boundaries of micro- and macro-structure, glossary extraction, etc.). Special attention is focused on the methodological means for optimal use of computational and, more specifically, corpus-based methods in lexicography. One of the important tasks is to develop methodological means for compiling and extending new types of lexical resources of Bulgarian.
The practical tasks of the project are focused on creating different dictionaries (explanatory, bilingual, dictionary of neologisms), bilingual lexicons, as well as expanding the electronic lexical resources for Bulgarian which have been already developed at the Institute for Bulgarian Language and are freely accessible on the web portal Infolex and the web site Neolex.
The project employs both traditional lexicological methods (for studying the structural, semantic and cognitive aspects) and corpus-based methods.
The project’s objectives reflect two priority areas of research at the Institute for Bulgarian Language – Academic Dictionaries of the Bulgarian Language and Electronic Language Resources and Tools for Their Processing.
➢ Modern Language Resources for Bulgarian and Czech Neology – Theoretical and Applied Aspects. Bilateral project with the Institute of Slavic Studies at the Czech Academy of Sciences. Period: 2017-2019. Principal investigator: Prof. Sia Kolkovska, Ph.D. Participants: Prof. Sia Kolkovska; Prof. D. Blagoeva, Ph.D.; Assist. Prof. T. Georgieva, Ph.D.; Assist. Prof. A. Atanasova, Ph.D.; Assist. Prof. V. Sumrova, D. Kolev.
➢ Bulgarian-Polish Lexical Parallels. Bilateral project with the Institute of Slavic Studies at the Polish Academy of Sciences. Principal investigator: Prof. D. Blagoeva, Ph.D. Period: 2015-2017. Participants: Prof. D. Blagoeva, Ph.D.; Prof. Sia Kolkovska, Ph.D.; Prof. S. Koeva, Ph.D. (Department of Computational Linguistics).
➢ Bulgarian-Slovak Dictionary (volume 3). Period: 2015-2017. Bilateral project with the Jan Stanislav Institute of Slavic Studies at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Participant: Assist. Prof. N. Kostova, Ph.D.
➢ Computer-Assisted Approaches to Lexicography for Slovak and Bulgarian Dictionaries and Reference Sources. Period: 2015-2017. Bilateral project with the Ludovit Stur Institute of Linguistics at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Principal investigator: Assist. Prof. V. Stoykova, Ph.D. Participants: Assist. Prof. V. Stoykova, Ph.D; Assist. Prof. E. Petkova, Ph.D. (Department of Terminology and Terminography).
➢ Corpus-Based Approaches in Bulgarian Neography (Theoretical and Applied Aspects). Period: 20/05/2016-20/07/2017/. Funded by Programme for Young Rersearchers – BAS. Supervisor: prof. Siya Kolkovska. Participant: Assist. prof. A. Atanasova.
➢ Neological Linguistic Phenomena in Bulgarian and Czech Lexicology and their Lexicographical Description (Sport Vocabulary). Period: 20/05/2016-20/07/2017/. Funded by Programme for Young Researchers – BAS. Supervisor: prof. Diana Blagoeva. Participant: D. Kolev.
Presentation of the results: research papers, a lexicons for a Bulgarian-X(language) bilingual dictionary, Bulgarian-Slovak Dictionary, lexical databases of neologisms, phraseology, synonyms, antonyms.