Participation of Researchers in Projects of other Institutes of BAS
Prof. A. Choleva-Dimitrova, assist. prof. M. Vlahova-Angelova, assist. prof. N. Dancheva, K. Petrova, K. Koilov: Traces of the Thracian Language in Bulgarian Onomastics – subtopic 8 of the project Thracians – Genesis and Ethnic Development, Cultural Identities, Civilisation Interactions and Heritage of Antiquity (an international project with the participation of 25 institutes of BAS); Principal Investigator of subtopic 8: prof. Valeria Fohl, Corr. member V. Nikolov; Principal Investigator for the IBL: Prof. A. Choleva-Dimitrova. The work is focused on the generalisation of data gathered on the Bulgarian toponyms – microtoponyms. The work during the 2018-2019 stage is on the topic Toponym – Heritage from Ancient Times. Period: May 2016 – May 2019.
Prof. M. Tsibranska-Kostova: Arts, Literature and Power in the Contact Zones (Christianity and Islam. Orthodox and Catholic Christianity). The glorification of the rule vs. the chalenging of the rule. Project of the Institute for Historical Studies of BAS, developed in the framework of the international exchange by two-sided agreement of BAS, partner organisation Institute of Archaeology and History of the Romanian Academy of Sciences. In the project participate bulgarian scientists from t the Institute for Historical researches, Istitute of Art History, Institute of Bulgarian language and Cyril and Methodius Research Centre. Principal Investigator from Bulgaria: prof. Ivan Iliev. Period: 2020 – 2022.
Assoc. prof. I. Karachorova: The songwriter of Tsar Ivan Alexander – Research and Publication (stage 2), as a part of the project Study and Publication of Written Monuments from the Time of Tsar Ivan Alexander (project of the Cyril and Methodius Research Centre). Period: 2018 – 2019.
Prof. Luchia Antonova PhD: Bulgarians in West Balkans (100 years before and after Neuilly-sur-Seine). Project of the Institute for historical researches to BAS, financed with an agreement with National science fund, principal investigator assoc. prof. Alexander Grebenarov PhD. Period: december 2018 – 2021.
Assoc. prof. M. Kitanova: The Bulgarian Literature Pantheon and the Slavic World in the Scientific Heritage of Boris Yotsov. Reconstruction of the Ideas – project of the Institute of Literature, funded by the National Science Fund. Principal Investigator: Prof. Rumyana Damyanova. Period: 2017 – June 2021.
Assist. prof. Nadezhda Nikolova PhD: Collection of new datea and summarizing the information about floristic and plant diversity of Bulgaria and Balkan peninsula. Project of the Institute for biodiversity and ecosystems of BAS with coordinators prof. S. Bancheva and prof. I. Apostolova. Assist. prof. N. Nikolova PhD participates in work package No 5 titled “Etnocultural and linguistic aspects of the plants in Bulgaria”.
Assist. prof. Simeon Stefanov PhD: Local Production, Clothing and Language Diversity (Contribution to Historical Linguistics and Anthropology of Clothing) – project of the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore (with an Ethnographic Museum) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in partnership with Sofia University and the Archive of BAS, funded by the National Science Fund. Principal Investigator: Prof. Margaret Dimitrova. Period: 2018 – 2019.