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The Written Word Remains. Write Correctly! is a campaign of the Institute for Bulgarian language which aims at attracting the attention to the paramount importance of literacy, education and science for social development.

As part of the campaign, various dictionaries and guide books are made available in a suitable and convenient way; various materials are published related to the Bulgarian lexical material, grammar and spelling; language games and quizes are organised.

How to make a quick reference to the important rules for the correct and proper use of the Bulgarian language?

How to have a quick access to answers related to the correct and proper usage of the Bulgarian language?

How to make a quick reference to dictionaries and guide books compiled by the specialists at the Institute for Bulgarian Language?

How to make the education in Bulgarian attractive for pupils and to support the teachers by sharing research-oriented practices?

Educational Materials

Materials in support of the education in Bulgarian language developed at the Institute for Bulgarian language. Feel free to share your own materials!

Research Approaches in Education

Specialised seminars for teachers of Bulgarian language and literature, organised and led by the Institute for Bulgarian Language.