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  1. Online search for words, combinations of word forms, grammatical and/or semantic features in the Bulgarian National Corpus – a large text corpus representative of the state of Bulgarian since the middle of the 20th century.
  2. Online dictionary lookup for synonyms, antonyms, idioms and neologisms – Infolex lexicography resources
  3. Online lookup for the morphological features of a word form in the Bulgarian POS annotated Corpus.


Specialised services


  1. Consultations by phone – 0900-12-230 (for Vivacom landlines) and 0879 66 83 63, and email ( provided by the specialised Language Information and Consultations Service, at the blog „The Written Word Remains. Write Correctly!“ and at the Facebook profile „Language Consultations“.
  2. .

  3. Expert reviews and reports (written and oral) on issues relating to grammar, spelling, vocabulary, phraseology, terminology, etymology, onomastics, dialectology, Old Bulgarian, etc.
  4. Text editing for publication and other purposes.
  5. Organising specialised courses in Bulgarian.

For more details see Rules on specialised services carried out by IBL (in Bulgarian).