
Терминологично-енциклопедичен речник по обществено-политически науки / Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Terms in Social and Political Sciences.


M. Popova, S. Kolkovska, M. Simeonova, B. Popov, E. Petkova, Kr. Simeonova, A. Christova. “Nauka i izkustvo”,Sofia 2012, 526 p. (in Bulgarian)



Терминологичен речник по хуманитарни науки / Dictionary of Terms in the Humanities.


M. Popova, B. Popov, E.Petkova, Kr. Simeonova, A. Christova. “Nauka i izkustvo”, Sofia 2007, 497 p. (in Bulgarian)



Dictionary of Terms in Life Sciences.


M. Popova, S. Kolkovska, G. Dimitrova , A. Christova, E. Petkova. “Nauka i izkustvo”, Sofia 2006, 462 p. (in Bulgarian)



Spelling Dictionary of Bulgarian Scientific and Technical Vocabulary.


M. Popova, K. Kabakchiev, L. Manolova, A. Mateeva, B. Mudrova. A. Christova, B. Popov Academic Publishing House “Prof. Marin Drinov”, Sofia 2001, 627 p. (in Bulgarian)



Issues in Bulgarian Terminology.


Academic Publishing House “Prof. Marin Drinov”, Sofia 1999, 265 p. (in Bulgarian)

M. Popova, S. Kolkovska, Kr. Kabakchiev, A. Christova, B. Popov



Electronic dictionaries



Dictionary of Biology


Author of the conception and chief editor: M. Popova; Editors: M. Popova, A. Hristova, E. Petkova
The purpose of the dictionary is to provide knowledge about the main terminology in the field of biology. It can be used by school children and students, specialist, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 2399 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of Physical Geography


Author and chief editor: M. Popova
The purpose of the dictionary is to provide knowledge about the main terminology in the field of physical geography. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 733 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of Astronomy


Author of the conception and chief editor: M. Popova; Author: S. Kolkovska
The purpose of the dictionary is to serve as a source of knowledge about the main terminology in the field of astronomy. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 184 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of Chemistry


Author of the conception and chief editor: M. Popova; Authors: S. Kolkovska and G. Dimitrova
The purpose of the dictionary is to serve as a source of knowledge about the main terminology in the field of chemistry. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the general public. The dictionary contains 1074 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of Physics


Author of the conception and chief editor: M. Popova; Author: G. Dimitrova and S. Kolkovska
The purpose of the dictionary is to serve as a source of knowledge about the main terminology in the field of physics. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 1101 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of Linguistics and Bulgarian Language


Author of the conception and chief editor: M. Popova; Authors: K. Simeonova, B. Popov, M. Popova
The purpose of the dictionary is to serve as a source of knowledge about the main terminology in the field of astronomy. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 1301 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of Literary Studies and Bulgarian Literature


Author and chief editor: M. Popova
The purpose of the dictionary is to serve as a source of knowledge about the main terminology in the field of literary studies and Bulgarian literature. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 634 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of Philosophy


Author and chief editor: M. Popova; Author: A. Hristova
The purpose of the dictionary is to serve as a source of knowledge about the main terminology in the field of philosophy. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 352 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of Logic


Author and chief editor: M. Popova; Author: A. Hristova
The purpose of the dictionary is to serve as a source of knowledge about the main terminology in the field of logic. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 308 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of Psychology


Author and chief editor: M. Popova; Author: A. Hristova
The purpose of the dictionary is to serve as a source of knowledge about the main terminology in the field of psychology. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 263 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of Music


Author and chief editor: M. Popova; Author: A. Hristova
The purpose of the dictionary is to serve as a source of knowledge about the main terminology in the field of music. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 534 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of Art Studies


Author and chief editor: M. Popova; Author: E. Petkova
The purpose of the dictionary is to serve as a source of knowledge about the main terminology in the field of art studies. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 217 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of General History


Author and chief editor: M. Popova; Authors: M. Popova, M. Simeonova, S. Kolkovska, A. Hristova, K. Simeonova, B. Popov, E. Petkova
The purpose of the dictionary is to serve as a source of knowledge about the main terminology in the field of history. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 3100 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of Bulgarian History


Author and chief editor: M. Popova; Author: S. Kolkovska
The purpose of the dictionary is to serve as a source of knowledge about the main terminology in the field of Bulgarian history. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 340 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of Medieval History


Author and chief editor: M. Popova; Author: A. Hristova
The purpose of the dictionary is to serve as a source of knowledge about the main terminology in the field of history. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 576 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of Modern History, Politics and EU Integration


Author and chief editor: M. Popova; Author: K. Simeonova
The purpose of the dictionary is to serve as a source of knowledge about the main terminology in the field of modern history, politics and EU integration. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 1000 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.



Dictionary of Ethics


Author and chief editor: M. Popova; Author: A. Hristova
The purpose of the dictionary is to serve as a source of knowledge about the main terminology in the field of ethics. It can be used by school children and students, specialists, as well as the public in general. The dictionary contains 300 entries in which terms are presented with their conceptual, semantic and lexical relations.

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